Alchemy of Transformation

“Let us seek Truth that makes us truly wise and Wisdom that brings us into a state of grace.”


Transformational Mentoring

Move Toward Self-awareness and Freedom and Away From Limiting Beliefs and Patterns

Oracle Consultation

Offering the Querent Insight Into Their Current Soul’s Journey

Science-Based Hand Analysis

Gain greater insight into yourself and what you are here to achieve in this lifetime

Telephone Mentoring

In the comfort of your own setting, through Joyah’s skillfully asked question and exploration, telephone mentoring leads the participant to clarity, meaningful insight and on into wise action.


Recognize the Significance of Your Dreams


Transformational Process Work for Living Life More Consciously


Make an Appointment

Call 916-742-4456


5:30 pm Dream Circle – Roseville, CA
Dream Circle – Roseville, CA
May 23 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Dream Circles A Dream Circle is a small group (no more than 5) of “dreamers” willing to come together on a monthly basis to open their minds and hearts to themselves and to each other[...]
1:00 pm Dream Circle – Lincoln Hills, CA
Dream Circle – Lincoln Hills, CA
Jun 12 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Dream Circles A Dream Circle is a small group (no more than 5) of “dreamers” willing to come together on a monthly basis to open their minds and hearts to themselves and to each other[...]
5:30 pm Dream Circle – Roseville, CA
Dream Circle – Roseville, CA
Jun 27 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Dream Circles A Dream Circle is a small group (no more than 5) of “dreamers” willing to come together on a monthly basis to open their minds and hearts to themselves and to each other[...]
1:00 pm Dream Circle – Lincoln Hills, CA
Dream Circle – Lincoln Hills, CA
Jul 10 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Dream Circles A Dream Circle is a small group (no more than 5) of “dreamers” willing to come together on a monthly basis to open their minds and hearts to themselves and to each other[...]

Ever since happiness heard my name its been running through the streets looking for me.


Inner Alchemy sprung from a deep calling within that began as a quiet whisper over 25 years ago inside Joyah’s heart.  This “calling,” this deep desire, was the longing, the vision to create a “home,” a sacred place where people could come solo or in groups to discover what stands in the way of us living authentic lives and to expand our consciousness so we might recognize fully who we truly are and why we said yes to this adventure that we call life.

Webster’s dictionary defines Alchemy as “A process of transmuting something of lesser value to something of greater value.”  Inner Alchemy provides a variety of pathways inward so that we might recognize that the “magical power or process” is ourselves: our minds and our hearts. The “transmuting” calls us to earnest endeavor, self-responsibility and and a sincere commitment to become “self-realized” beings having a human experience.

The goal: to live authentically who we truly are.  The goal: to actualize the deeper dreams that await deep within longing to become our “reality.” The result: making our life a work of art by living our authentic / Greater Self.

This is not always an easy path.  As Albert Einstein once said: “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”  To change, to evolve, to awaken takes dedication, commitment and the willingness to do the “hard work.”

As Ezekiel (see the Blog page) teaches: “Birthing an ego (especially what you humans like to consider to be a wounded ego) into light is no easy task just as getting yourself down the birth canal was no easy task. It takes great effort. It requires determination. It takes a deep desire to find the Light…and it takes deep love for the experience of life.”

“When truth is spoken miracles happen.” ~ Joyah

Joyah has been a “seeker,” a perpetual student of leading edge teachings and deep wisdom for over 40 years.  Inner Alchemy offers creative and innovative approaches to self-discovery so that life might be lived with more grace and gratitude.

The basic philosophy honored is that the wise teacher/ healer resides within each person and that there are many ways to access this place of Truth.  Joyah’s greatest joy comes from mentoring dedicated “Seekers” so that the true source of inspiration, courage, and wisdom might be known and full creative potentials might be lived.

Not long ago, when one of Joyah’s grandsons (at the age of 9) asked her, “Nana, what is it that you do?”  Joyah responded in a way she hoped might be understood as fully as possible.  “I teach people how to fall in love with themselves.”

Joyah was recently in conversation with a long term client and student.  The student said to Joyah, “You are a Founder.  You are a Founder of a School called the School of Self-Love.  Everything you offer and everything you teach always brings us right back to that.”

“That deep yearning….you know, that inner gnawing that won’t leave you  alone? The wisdom keepers call that “Divine Discontent”.  It is what keeps us searching, not realizing that what we are seeking is our Self.”    ~Joyah

“Ever since happiness heard my name its been running through the streets looking for me.”  Hafiz

Webster’s dictionary defines Alchemy as “A process of transmuting something of lesser value to something of greater value.”  Inner Alchemy provides a variety of pathways inward so that we might recognize that the “magical power or process” is ourselves: our minds and our hearts. The “transmuting” calls us to earnest endeavor, self-responsibility and and a sincere commitment to become “self-realized” beings having a human experience.

The goal: to live authentically who we truly are.  The goal: to actualize the deeper dreams that await deep within longing to become our “reality.” The result: making our life a work of art by living our authentic / Greater Self.

This is not always an easy path.  As Albert Einstein once said: “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”  To change, to evolve, to awaken takes dedication, commitment and the willingness to do the “hard work.”

As Ezekiel (see the Blog page) teaches: “Birthing an ego (especially what you humans like to consider to be a wounded ego) into light is no easy task just as getting yourself down the birth canal was no easy task. It takes great effort. It requires determination. It takes a deep desire to find the Light…and it takes deep love for the experience of life.”

“When truth is spoken miracles happen.”

Joyah has been a “seeker,” a perpetual student of leading edge teachings and deep wisdom for over 40 years.  Inner Alchemy offers creative and innovative approaches to self-discovery so that life might be lived with more grace and gratitude.

The basic philosophy honored is that the wise teacher/ healer resides within each person and that there are many ways to access this place of Truth.  Joyah’s greatest joy comes from mentoring dedicated “Seekers” so that the true source of inspiration, courage, and wisdom might be known and full creative potentials might be lived.

Not long ago, when one of Joyah’s grandsons (at the age of 9) asked her, “Nana, what is it that you do?”  Joyah responded in a way she hoped might be understood as fully as possible.  “I teach people how to fall in love with themselves.”

Joyah was recently in conversation with a long term client and student.  The student said to Joyah, “You are a Founder.  You are a Founder of a School called the School of Self-Love.  Everything you offer and everything you teach always brings us right back to that.”

That deep yearning….you know, that inner gnawing that won’t leave you  alone? The wisdom keepers call that “Divine Discontent”.  It is what keeps us searching, not realizing that what we are seeking is our Self.”    ~Joyah


Shadows forming from the light
Playing daintily in my life
I see the reflection in the sun
Shadows lurking — work undone.

Shadows come, absent of light
Need only to look — give up the fight.
Laughing merrily, the joke is told
Light was present waiting to unfold

Shadows give me depth and grace
They show me where I can embrace
Welcome them — as the leaves do so
They give me, the plant, a chance to grow.

And when the growing is all said and done
Will the shadows stay just for fun?
Most likely so, for as Jung doth say:
We’d be boring as hell if shadows didn’t forever play.
